Rap Battle plugin Cybersoldier

Our revolutionary plugin, Cybersoldier, brings text-based battle rap to your WordPress site. Users register and create a CyberSoldier character, then find opponents and start a rap battle.

Notifications are sent via email when a round of battle rap replies is completed. A battle finishes once a set line count is reached or the allocated time ends. Cybersoldier creates an exciting new user type and provides shortcodes, allowing various customization options for battles listing, user and player page customization, soldier listings, and random quotes. Begin your epic battle at:

Welcome to the ultimate hub of online rap battles – CyberSoldier!

We invite you to test our revolutionary plugin at https://cybersoldier.com. Experience the thrill of creating your own CyberSoldier character, challenging opponents, and engaging in exhilarating text-based rap battles. Get notified through emails each time a rap volley is completed and feel the unmatched excitement as battles climax with line counts or time constraints. Explore our shortcodes for comprehensive customization options and truly own your battlespace. Step into the arena, ignite your creativity, and let your words create transcendent battles today!